Once upon a time a powerful and often unwise King offered three young people an opportunity to take a chance on true love.

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This Quest Was simple. They could open one of two doors.

  • Behind one door was a dragon.
  • Behind the other was their true love.  
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But Happy Endings are Relative…..

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????The first person decided to NOT take the risk. And lived safely until the end of their days and never found love. ????


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The second person hired Risk Professionals. They collected data on the dragon and the true love. They built several machines to detect the sounds of a Dragon and calculated the probability of it’s fiery roar. Was there such a notion of true love…what if it was not reciprocated? True love might be unattractive or insipid. Naturally, this took time and money and the by the time the consultants were ready to advise the Young Person, the person was both old and poor.


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???? Regardless, said person opened the recommended door and although a bit chewy from old age, was eaten by the low probability dragon. ????

Credit:Vinyl Pulse

Image Credit : Dreamstime

????????‍♀️The third Person took a course in DRAGON SLAYING????????‍♀️

The end…



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#riskmanagement #dragonslaying #psm #processsafety #risk #governance #chemeng #stem

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By Krishni Arumugam